26 Jun

Game consoles have been around for a long time. They are a popular pastime for many individuals, as well as a source of income. Video game playing quickly transitioned from a pastime to a profession, especially as video and live streaming platforms such as YouTube and Twitch grew in popularity. Many people picked up their controllers on these platforms in the hopes of being the next gamer to make millions doing what they love. As more people play video games, game creators must produce better and more up-to-date products. Even if the products aren't the best, they're doing it for the money, because it's a company.

When video games initially came out, they were a huge accomplishment, and each one was distinctive in its own way. Even though they didn't look all that fantastic in the 1980s and 1990s, they provided something that even today's games don't. That something is of high grade. Video games have evolved into more of a service than a kind of amusement in the previous 5 years or so. Micro transactions, which are fundamentally distinct from DLC, have slowly begun to appear in the games of major Triple A studios (Downloadable Content). DLC was usually an expansion or additional new content to make the game more playable, hence keeping players entertained and wanting more. The issue is with video games that try to sell parts of their game that should have been free or unlocked by playing the game rather than simply entering a credit card information to acquire these heroes or stuff. This has become a frequent practice in recent years, and it has caused a lot of controversy. Many governments now consider "loot boxes" to be gambling, which they are. In video games, a loot box is when a player either uses in-game currency or real money to obtain a random item or collection of things. Now because the worth of these goods is determined on a scale, some players will acquire rarer or higher-quality items than others purely by chance. This is primarily targeted at younger gamers who are more ignorant and eager to spend whatever money they have on a game in order to look cooler or perform better. All in the sake of staying ahead of the game.

This practice is particularly dangerous since it not only encourages youngsters to gamble, but it may also be extremely addicting. Many people have spent thousands of dollars merely to obtain a single item or to improve their character or team. Clearly, the developers are unconcerned since it means more money for them, but they never consider the impact on people's livelihoods and families.

The main motivation for these techniques is for the developers to continue making money after the game has been released. According to statistics, microtransactions generate more revenue than the game itself, and many game series are produced year after year with little to no modifications to the game itself. It's exceedingly difficult to find a completed game without microtransactions in any store or marketplace, and even if they don't affect gameplay, they're still a huge concern.

Instead of making games that are barely finished and laden with microtransactions, developers should create quality games to keep consumers amused and invested in their video games. The tendency of games as a service is slowly eroding video game quality. People will eventually be unable to fully own a game; instead, everything will be rented, but the user will still be required to purchase a code to play the rental and then pay the rental to play a game that is not even theirs. Look at how absurd that sounds! All of this can change only if the gamer chooses to change.

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